Súmatra - Orang Utan Coffee Project - Sukarame þvottastöð - 1kg
Súmatra - Orang Utan Coffee Project - Sukarame þvottastöð - 1kg
Súmatra - Orang Utan Coffee Project - Sukarame þvottastöð - 1kg
Súmatra - Orang Utan Coffee Project - Sukarame þvottastöð - 1kg
Súmatra - Orang Utan Coffee Project - Sukarame þvottastöð - 1kg

Súmatra - Orang Utan Coffee Project - Sukarame þvottastöð - 1kg

Venjulegt verð 8.500 kr
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Land: Súmatra, Indonesia / Hérað: Ache, Bener Meriah svæði /

Kaffibóndi: 189 bænda samfélag Sukarame þvottasvöðvar / Yfirmaður: Zulkarnaen / Yrki: Tim Tim og Ateng  /  Arabica / 105 hektarar

Vinnslu aðferð: Honey  / Uppskerutímabíl:  Sept/okt - May/Júní

Hæð yfir sjávarmáli: 1100-1500m / Þyngd: 60kg sekkir / Alþjóðlegar Löggildingar: í ferli að breyta ræktuninni í Lífrænt ræktaða ræktun samkvæmt Evrópu stuðli. 

Vöruhús: EU - Hamburg,  Germany – Schwarze

Bragðlýsingar eru  alltaf leiðandi og skemmtilegast er að hver og einn finni sínar bragðlýsingar. Og þegar við smökkuðum kaffið kom upp í hugann:  

Þroskaðir suðrænir ávexti, það er lág sýrni í kaffinu sem er í ætt við sýrni af þroskuðu mangó, hunang, döðlur, kakó, mikil fylling. 

Partner of the Orang Utan Coffee project since 2021

Achievements since joining the Orang Utan Coffee project: • Agricultural capacity building: the smallholder farmers receive regular training on organic cultivation methods, including composting and re-planting • Equipment improvements: mechanical weeding tools and de-pulping units, upgrades to the post-harvest facilities for the drying process • Improved livelihoods: enhanced processes and trainings achieve for a superior product, helping establish long-term financial stability for smallholder farmers and their families. Future investments needed: renovation of storing and drying facilities

Orang Utan Coffee Project:

With the Orang Utan Coffee Project, the founders aim at initiating a process, which incorporates sustainability into all areas of coffee industry. Hence, the project implements exemplary measures to promote the conservation of tropical rainforest and to stimulate similar initiatives. The rainforest, an ecosystem of unique biodiversity, represents an important basis for human existence. The high quality of the coffee and its organic cultivation represent powerful assets for successful marketing of coffees from plantation to end consumer. With the premiums generated, the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme SOCP is supported and the farmers are rewarded for their enormous efforts to comply with the strict organic production standards of Orang Utan Coffee, resulting in protection of the montane rainforest and its flora and fauna.

The Orang Utan Coffee project is a green business that embodies the first concrete implementation of the vision of the Orang-Utan Regenwald GmbH. The Orang Utan Regenwald GmbH is committed to a holistic sustainable approach and thus to social and ecological responsibility, including resource and climate protection, as well as the preservation of biodiversity. 

Characteristics of our coffee:

Gayo Highland Grade 1, Arabica, Giling Basah (wet-hulled), triple picked.
The quality is ensured by local Q-graders following SCA standards. Since March 2020 we have been certified organic by Swiss bio.inspecta.rt. 

Wet hulling: is a processing method exclusively used in Indonesia, probably in response to the climatic conditions. Indonesian wet hulled coffee can be identified by its dark, bluish-green colour caused by the high moisture content of the beans. This process creates an intense coffee with a distinctive profile.
Wet hulled coffee has more earthy notes than washed coffees, which give it a strong and intense body.
Additionally, the Orang Utan Coffee is rich in fruity and nutty flavours with a mild acidity.

This combination creates a complex and well-balanced coffee.