Land: Eþíópía / Hérað: Yirgacheffe
Kaffibúgarður: Smáframleiðendur úr héraði / Yrki: Blandað Heirloom
Vinnsluaðferð: Berþurrkað / Natural / Uppskerutímabil: Október - february
Bragðeiginleikar: Plóma, dökk ber, mjólkursúkkulaði, hunang, sætt og miðlungs fylling. Yndislegt!
Hæð yfir sjávarmáli: 2000 m yfir sjávarmáli
Þyngd: 60kg í GrainPro / Vöruhús staðsett: EU - Hamburg, Germany – Schwarze
Bragðlýsingar eru alltaf leiðandi og skemmtilegast er að hver og einn finni sínar bragðlýsingar.
Farm info
Named for Ethiopia’s national tree, Ally’s Acacia Core Coffee comes from smallholder farmers in the Yirgacheffe and Guji regions. The sweet, fruity profile of Ethiopia Acacia Washed is selected to represent the classic flavors of some of Ethiopia’s best recognized coffee producing regions. Our Core Coffees reflect the work of whole communities, and the Ethiopia Acacia Washed is produced by the smallholder farmers who characterize the coffee production landscape of Ethiopia.
In these southern regions of Ethiopia farmers pick coffee selectively, harvesting only ripe cherries individually by hand. Pickers rotate among the trees every eight to ten days, choosing only the cherries which are at peak ripeness. Coffee is depulped and washed by hand in cement canals at community washing stations. After fermenting in water to loosen the mucilage, wooden paddles are used to fully wash the coffee. Coffee is then placed on raised beds to dry in the sun.