Kólumbíu kaffi - La Esperanza -  1kg

Kólumbíu kaffi - La Esperanza - 1kg

Venjulegt verð 7.900 kr
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Skattur innifalinn

Land: Kólumbía  / Hérað; Nariño  / Kaffibóndi: Ezequiel Gómez   

/ Kaffibúgarður: La Esperanza   / Yrki: Colombia  / vinnsluaðferð: Þvegið  / Uppskera: Júní / Ræktunarhæð: 1950 m yfir sjávarmáli /  þyngd hrákaffi: 70kg og í grainpro

Bragðlýsingarnar sem komu í hugann á smökkunarborðinu í vikunni voru: Rauð epli, Steina ávextir, Mandarínur, Hnetur, Toffí, miðlungs sætt og mikil fylling.

 Farm info

Second generation producer Ezequiel Gómez acquired La Esperanza in 2019 and is committed to quality organization and management of the farm. Located in the village of Ortega, Nariño, Colombia, just 18 km from the municipality of Buesaco, the 20 hectare property sits at 1950 meters above sea level and borders a tributary water source that provides both irrigation and drinking water. The farm is dedicated to coffee and livestock, including 5 hectares for coffee production, and another 4 hectares of protected forest which includes around 20 native tree species.

La Esperanza has 10,000 coffee trees in the productive stage of their life cycle. 70% of the farm’s trees are Colombia variety, with the other 30% split between Caturra and Castillo. Ezequiel provides different care to each variety he cultivates, including processes like using a fertigation system during the dry season to ensure that his crops stay disease-resistant, and using ethylene traps to reduce coffee borer beetle population on the farm.

 Washed processing was used for this lot of Colombia variety coffee. The most mature cherries were chosen for processing before being sorted by flotation. The coffee was then pulped and placed into open tubs with fresh water to ferment for 15–18 hours. After fermentation, the seeds are then washed twice with fresh water to ensure no mucilage remains. Finally, the coffee is dried on the drying patio in full sunlight for 12 days, at which point it reaches the target humidity.